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Training in Bern Training in Bern


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On Thursday, with just one day to go before the Holland match, the French national team had an hours traning se sion at the Bern Stadium to get accustomed to the arena. France need Allen Iverson Jersey to win the match against Holland, but all the players know that it wont be easy after the Oranjes are on a very good form. Enjoy some pictures of the training se sion:

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Sửa khóa Hà ĐôngThợ sửa khóa quận Hà Đông uy tín & tận tâm Sông Hồng Diamond City Dự án nhà ở tại chợ Đầu mối Nông Sản lớn nhất Hưng Yên Sửa máy lọc nước hà đông uy tín, chất lượng, nhanh chóng